Tuesday, August 16, 2011

It's been awhile

Many things have happened in the past year and three months.  New job, responsibilities, travel schedule, and more books have been read than normal. Why did I not write?

For the past year excuses came out of me like water.  Procrastination snuck in everyday for a visit.   Was it that my skills seemed to be lacking? (I don't think I ever earned higher than a B- in English.) Never mind the fact that embarrassment kicked in every time someone pointed out that errors were everywhere. Who can blame the people that pointed this out?  No one.  The first post that was written said, hey people point out the mistakes. However, tonight when my sheep count got up to 1023. The ol' memory kicked in.

When I did write. satisfaction was felt every time a post was made.

When I did write. errors were noticed and corrections began.

When I did write, memories were shared and written down.

When I did write, my life was shared with others.

When I did write, my grammar skills were quite noticeable and embarrassing.

When I did write, someone actually took the time to read.

When I did write, a new passion was discovered.

What's that passion? Writing?  Yes, it's quite relaxing and at times the words that were being put down were interesting.

Moving forward it's my journey.  It's about my self improvement.  It's about a passion that has been a part of my life since my father gave me a light blue bag with a dog head cover for my first left handed club.
Moving forward, it's time to improve.

If no one ever reads.  Who cares.  If one person reads. I will think my wife.  If two people read well, we are on to something. 

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